All inbound passengers arriving in the capital are required to receive nucleic acid tests and undergo centralized quarantine starting Wednesday.
? 14日內從其他口岸入境進京人員,全部集中隔離觀察,全部做核酸檢測。
For those returning to the country through other ports but arriving in Beijing within 14 days, they also must take a nucleic acid tests and undergo quarantine and observation at designated isolation sites, according to a notice released by the local government Tuesday morning.
隔離觀察費用自理(the quarantine expenses shall be paid by passengers themselves),檢測費用按照是否參加基本醫療保險或購買商業保險(basic or commercial medical insurance)等有關規定執行。
A locally transmitted case connected to an imported one was reported in Haidian district on Monday, marking the first such case reported in the capital.
Beijing had 31 new imported novel coronavirus cases on Monday, bringing the total number of infections from overseas to 138 as of the end of Monday, according to the city’s health commission.