12月25日是西元274年羅馬皇帝奧勒良指定的慶祝羅馬帝國官方慶祝敘利亞太陽神蘇里耶和伊朗太陽神米特拉的節日Dies Natalis Solis Invicti(意為“不可征服的太陽”生日),這一節日一直持續到 圣誕樹被定為國教之后被禁止。
December 25th is the year 274 Rome emperor aurelian specified celebrate Rome imperial official celebration of Syria sun god Surya Lille and Iran sun god Mitra festival in Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (meaning "unconquered sun" birthday), this festival has continued to the Christmas tree was designated as prohibited in Christian church.
敘利亞太陽神崇拜最早是古羅馬國王安東尼努斯(Marcus Antoninus)引入古羅馬帝國還取代了主神朱庇特,并在奧勒良國王時期成為國家節日。
Syria sun god worship is the earliest ancient king of Rome Antoninus (Marcus Antoninus) into the ancient Rome Empire also replace the Jupiter, and become a national holiday in the aurelian king period.
This is a day to celebrate the rebirth of the sun or regression, because that day is the shortest day of the year to date, refers to Rome calendar Winter Solstice Festival with Chinese conceptual representation.
That day, the days grow longer, the pagan sun god worship of all this day as the spring of hope, the beginning of recovery in all things. At the same time to celebrate the return of the sun that day, different cultures in the world are as important festivals celebrating.
As for the culture of the sun god,this day has become the sun was born after days of personification. The early Christian Church in order to use this day holiday, also tried to Christian and pagan customs and habits, put the birthday of Jesus in the specified on this day. So remove imposed religious significance, Christmas Day is actually western "winter solstice day".
牛頓認為圣誕節就是按冬至日確定的,而且16世紀的法國修辭學教授杜樸斯(Charles Dupuis)和哲學家伏爾尼(Constantin-Franois Volney)則指出圣誕節耶穌的一生都是按太陽通過黃道的軌跡塑造的。
Newton think Christmas is determined according to the winter solstice, and sixteenth Century French rhetoric Professor Du Pusi (Charles Dupuis) and philosopher Fuerni (Constantin-Fran OIS Volney) pointed out that Christmas Jesus's life all is according to the sun through the ecliptic trajectory shaping。
This point and Syria, Egypt and the Persian Sun God, all was born at the winter solstice, with Virgo rising, with Aries until the Vernal Equinox Day of resurrection, Maria is attached to Virgo, Jesus sheep metaphor is actually implied by Aries sun.