在6月晚些時候,印度政府發布了一項禁令,禁止59個中國應用程序,其中包括了在印度市場流行的短視頻應用TikTok,以及字節跳動旗下另外兩個視頻應用Vigo video和Helo。但旗下另一款音樂流媒體應用Resso卻逃過一劫。Resso具有許多與TikTok相同的社交分享功能,可以促使某些內容實現病毒式的傳播效應。在上個月的印度市場該應用的下載安裝量猛增至300萬。
When India banned 59 Chinese apps at the end of June, one dodged the bullet: Resso
Owned by TikTok’s parent firm ByteDance, social music-streaming app Resso launched in India in March this year after several months of test runs.
Between January and June, its installs have skyrocketed, touching 3 million last month, data from market intelligence platform SensorTower show.
The Narendra Modi government’s June 29 ban on Chinese apps included not just Bytedance’s wildly popular TikTok, but also two of its other platforms, Vigo Video and Helo. The Beijing-based company lost over 200 million users only on account of TikTok in India.
納倫德拉·莫迪政府于6月29日出臺的針對中國應用程序的禁令不僅涉及字節跳動的爆款應用抖音,還有該公司其他兩個平臺Vigo Video(火山小視頻的海外版)和Helo。僅僅因為印度的抖音被封殺,這家總部位于北京的公司就損失了超過2億用戶。
However, the firm is still signing deals for office spaces with WeWork. The enthusiasm may be stemming from Resso’s success.
After all, Indians, who have been shunning all things Chinese after the border tension between the two countries, have been lapping up the Resso app without batting an eyelid. Overall, the app has hit about 10.6 million first-time installs from across the world on the App Store and Google Play. About 74% of these downloads come from India.
畢竟在兩國出現邊界緊張局勢之后,印度人就抵制所有中國的東西,但他們在享用Resso應用時卻沒有任何猶豫。這款應用在全球蘋果應用商店和Google Play上首次安裝量達到1060萬,其中約74%來自印度。
However, the app’s success still hangs in the balance given India’s overcrowded music streaming market, which is currently ruled by YouTube Music, JioSaavn and Gaana.
但這款應用能否成功仍沒有定論,因為印度音樂流媒體市場過于擁擠,目前仍由YouTube Music、JioSaavn和Gaana三家掌控。